Sustainable Tourism
The Versō hotel, like all other establishments part of the PAL+ Group, features a sustainable tourism policy that highlights our commitment and determination to enhance our organization’s performance in sustainable development in our daily actions.
To ensure the success of this commitment, here are some initiatives we have implemented:
Waste Management
- Removal of minibars to eliminate plastics and single-use containers
- Composting in all establishments
- Compostable or recyclable containers in all establishments
- Partnership with the Memphrémagog Food Bank
- Reduction of paper use by replacing traditional documents in hotel rooms with interactive QR codes
- Self-service reception kiosks available for guests
- Addition of a water machine to eliminate water bottles
Responsible Purchasing
- Promoting local products and processing products at Kóz bistro to minimize the purchase of processed products
- Creating a menu with fewer animal proteins at Kóz bistro
- Use of certified eco-friendly cleaning products and organic laundry detergent
- Providing bulk cleaning local products in hotel rooms
Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Installation of 8 electric vehicle charging stations
- “Bienvenue cyclistes” certification, promoting bicycle transport and offering on-site pumps and tools, as well as a secure overnight location for bicycles
Social Involvement and Community
EcoFund Program by Greenstep
EcoFund Verified is a program that holds us accountable as we measure and reduce our carbon footprint based on international standards and best practices. Instead of simply offsetting our emissions, we are actively working to cut down our consumption of fossil fuels, waste and water, by investing in more efficient technologies and tracking our reductions.
In support of this, an EcoFee of $3 is included on every night/on each transaction at the Versō hotel. Through EcoFund, your stay is made more environmentally friendly and sustainable, and with your help, we tread lighter on this planet. Thank you for supporting responsible business.
Read our Responsible sourcing policy and our Waste management policy.